Dienstag, 11. Mai 2010

zwei lieder, zwei Tote und ein scmerzliches Schlucken

By the second verse, dear friends
My head will burst, my life will end
So, I'd like to start this one off by saying
"Live and love"

I was young and at home in bed
And I was hanging on the words some poem said
In '31
I was impressionable
I was upsettable

I tried to make my breathing stop, my heart beat slow
So, when my mom and John came in, I would be cold

From a bridge on Washington Avenue, the year of 1972
Broke my bones and skull and it was memorable
It was half a second in, I was halfway down
Do you think I wanted to turn back around and teach a class
Where you kiss the ass that I've exposed to you?

And at the funeral, the University
Cried at three poems they'd present in place of a broken me

I was breaking in a case of suds
At the Brass Rail, a fall-down drunk with his tongue torn out and his balls removed
And I knew that my last lines were gone while stupidly I lingered on
Oh, but wise men know when it's time to go
And so I should, too

And so I fly into the brightest winter sun
Of this frozen town, I'm stripped down to move on
My friends, I'm gone

Well, I hear my father fall
And I hear my mother call
And I hear the others all whisper, "Come home"
I'm sorry to go
I loved you all so
But this is the worst trip I've ever been on

So, hoist up the John B. sail
(Hoist up the John B. sail)
See how the main sail sets
(See how the main sail sets)
I've folded my heart in my head and I wanna go home
With a book in my hand
In the way I had planned
Well, this is the worst trip I've ever been on

Hoist up the John B. sail
(Hoist up the John B. sail)
See how the main sail sets
(See how the main sail sets)
I'm full in my heart and my head and I wanna go home
With a book in each hand
(With a book in each hand)
In the way I had planned
(In the way I had planned)
I feel so broke up
I wanna go home 
(Okkervil River)

Ein schreckliche Nachricht ereilte mich am Wochenende. Jetzt möchte ich darüber reden: 
Ein Junge, 13 Jahre, hält den Schmerz nicht mehr aus und springt von einer Brücke. Ich kenne ihn nicht persönlich, aber es erschüttert mich dennoch zu tiefst. Ich wünsche allen Verwandten und Bekannten Hoffnung, Kraft und das richtige Maß an Trauer. Etwas viel schlimmeres gibt es wohl kaum. 
Für mich kommt ein Klos wieder hoch in den Hals, denn das alles erinnert mich an meinen Freund Kevin, der denselben Entschluss am 01.03.2009 fasste. Für mich ist dieser Tag ein schwarzer im Kalender. Und ich bete für ihn und auch für den Jungen hier und für alle die mit dem eigenen Leben nicht mehr klar kommen. Ich hoffe, dass es ihnen, dort wo sie hingegangen sind, besser geht als in dieser wirklich schrecklichen Welt. 

 (Cold War Kids)
Thick fog rolls in waves
On the Golden Gate
I was checking my watch
With 7 minutes in my shift

When I spot a black skirt on the rail
Straddling the bar like it's a quater a ride
She's scared to jump but terrified to stay
Walk to her slow extend my hand with a smile and say

"Ma'am how was your day?
Keep your eyes on my face
I want to help you
if you'll let me"

She's stratled, I look forward
Wrap my arms 'round her legs
Pull her down to the sidewalk
We're both heaving for air and I say

"Ma'am how was your day?
Keep your eyes on my face
I want to help you
if you'll let me"

Most folks think they'll hit the surface
And never, fell no pain
Water pulls you under
Back to the womb once again

Bodies float to the shore
Bloated purple and blue
If sharks won't get you first
Crabs will have their way with you

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